Spriter's sprite swapping feature only works when swapping between sprites of the same symbol.This keeps all the sprite changes on just a single timeline rather than needing multiple timelines for a single part just because it has sprite changes.
When you want to change what sprite is used in a certain location in your image use symbols and this link to see how to switch the sprites for that object. So going with the blob example: blob would be the symbol and could be switched between any of the three sprites blob_0, blob_1, blob_2.
Each name before the underscore with number is considered an individual symbol which means an object of sorts in the animation that can change between sprites. So, if you have three sprites called "blob", they should be respectively named blob_0.png, blob_1.png, and blob_2.png. The number should start at 0 and be sequential.
Each sprite must have an underscore and a number at the end of their name, but before the file extension. If you have a use case in which providing key frames on the end of animation is not sufficient or where interpolation seems to fail please open an issue. For example if you want a 30 frame animation that you should have length 33ms * 30 = 990ms where you must key 0ms and 990ms in order for interpolation to work. Currently the -i option works best if you keyframe the start and the end frame. Spriter's intrinsic interpolation is supported if you use the -i/-interpolate option. This will be changed to an error in strict conversion mode. It will throw a warning for you to indicate that this is not allowed. If you change the pivot point in a specific frame that change will not be respected by the converter. However, you can change the pivot for the entire sprite from the right side Pallate menu. You cannot change the pivot point from frame to frame. Open a terminal of your choice and navigate to the directory with your kanim files. It is highly recommended to move all the files to the same directory. The three kanim files you need should be located in the TextAssets and Texture2D directories. Use a tool such as uTinyRipper to unpack the files. ONI stores these files in its /OxygenNotIncluded_Data/sharedassets#.assets files. That is, you should have three files ready. Below is a quick, step-by-step guide to converting anims. Generally, there are two ways to invoke all of KSE's conversion features: the shortcut or via the convert verb. This means that you need a terminal to run the program, via typing in the magic incantations. If you don't have dotNET installed, or don't want to risk the program not working, I recommend downloading the self-contained version instead. If you already have dotNET v3 or higher installed on your computer, use the NET Dependent download to have a much smaller file size (631 kb vs 29MB). There are three supported operating systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux) and two types of packaging (dotNET dependent and self-contained), meaning six downloads possible.
Below is a quick guide to which version is right for you. Just download the appropriate version from here.
This means that you don't need to install the program. Most notably - handles interpolation between keyframes with the -i flag.
Support for most Spriter features for making custom ONI animations. Multi-directional conversion between compatible formats: kanim → scml, scml → kanim, kanim → kanim, scml → scml are all possible. KSE is, at its base, a port of kparserX from Java to C#, and wouldn't have been possible without work on kparser. KSE was developed to support Oxygen Not Included modding, and therefore features will focus on those that are useful for ONI. A library and command-line interface (CLI) converter between cut-out animation formats, including kanim (Klei animation) and scml (Spriter) with a common, intermediate in-memory format.